the  red  paladin
if you get too worried about what could go wrong, you might miss a chance to do something great.

hi. i'm keith. this is my site. it's a big wip. i'm bad at talking about myself.

i enjoy many things, like my boyfriend, voltron, divorced dad rock, and adding unnecessary belts to every outfit i put on.

i made this site to begin to learn coding and to have a place for myself on the internet. click around to learn more.

i enjoy voltron legendary defender (2016) a normal amount. trust me. i'm mostly going to use this site to write blog posts and rants about my special interests/hyperfixations at the moment. i may even share some music recommendations if i'm feeling crazy.

i'm still learning to code so i used a template and lots of help for this site. any tips are welcome via chatbox or spacehey messages. as i learn, i will customize my site more :)

this site does work on mobile, but looks the best on pc.

images from voltron legendary defender (2016). psd by destinyfaces on tumblr.

cd player icon CD player
momo icon

i don't know why the pause / play / skip buttons won't show up and i gave up trying.

last update: july 22, 2024

latest blog entry: n/a